Graduation Options: Every student in Texas graduates with a regular diploma.
-Received all instruction in general education curriculum (TEKS)
-On grade level, no content modifications
-Passed all classes with at least 70%
-Passed TAKS or TAKS Accommodated
-Graduation under Recommended or Distinguished Program
-Received all instruction in general education curriculum (TEKS)
-All instruction on grade level, no content modification
-Passed all classes with at least 70%
-Participation in state and district-wide assessments (TAKS or TAKS Accommodated)
-ARD Committee decision whether passing assessment is requirement for graduation
-Graduation under Minimum Program
Student successfully completes IEP as shown when:
-IEP goals are mastered
-Curriculum and credit requirements completed/mastered at 70%
-Participation in state and district assessments
-Demonstration of one of the three conditions:
A) Full Time Employment
-Full time employment as defined by ARD committee
-Individualized according to the needs of the student
-Not intended to replace academic instruction in core curriculum
B) Specific Employability and Self-help Skills
Demonstration of:
-Skills directly related to preparation of employment
-Includes general skills to obtain/retain employment
-ARD identifies skills and how student attains them
-Could include academic, Career Technology Education, general career vocational skills, community-based vocation instruction, etc.
C) Access to Services Not Provided by School
Demonstration of:
-Access to services from identified service provider
-Providing (at time of graduation/will provide) services
-Invited service provider to ARD
-Provide documentation of approved access to services
Graduation by End of Age Eligibility
-Student no longer meets age eligibility (age 21 on September 1)
-Mastered IEP goals/objectives
-Participated in state/district assessments