The Southeast Texas Cooperative for Special Services provides homebound instruction for students eligible for Special Education services who are unable to attend a classroom program for four weeks or longer due to a serious illness, injury, or certain other conditions as documented by a licensed physician. Homebound services may also be appropriate for students with chronic illnesses. A chronically ill student is one whose medical condition is generally considered to be life threatening or end stage. Documentation from a licensed physician that the student is expected to be confined for any period of time totaling at least four weeks during a school year is required. Homebound instruction is provided for a minimum of four hours each week in the student's home and credits the student with full-time school attendance. This instructional setting is in accordance with the Texas Education Agency Student Attendance Accounting Handbook guidelines. Homebound is not provided for students with any communicable, contagious disease until the attending physician declares the student no longer contagious. Students are dismissed from homebound services when released by the physician or when there is no longer any current documentation that supports homebound services. Cases varying in nature from the above situations will be considered and resolved by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee(ARD). Students are dismissed from homebound services when released by the physician or when there is no longer any current documentation that supports homebound services. Cases varying in nature from the above situations will be considered and resolved by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee(ARD). Students are dismissed from homebound services when released by the physician or when there is no longer any current documentation that supports homebound services. Cases varying in nature from the above situations will be considered and resolved by the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee(ARD).